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Help Provide Hope to Women this Mother's Day!

As the sights and sounds of Spring finally begin to fill the air here in Erie, we are reminded of what Spring brings–new life, restoration, warmth, hope. But Spring isn’t always joyful, especially for women experiencing homelessness or struggling with a substance use disorder.

In fact, the fastest growing population of our homeless neighbors is women–at least 32 percent of unhoused people are women.

Not only are these women struggling to find shelter, food, and safety, but many of them also have children living unsheltered with them.

This Mother’s Day, won’t you join us in restoring hope to the women of Erie?

Whether it's a donation toward the New Life Program for Women at Grace House, a contribution for our public meal program, or just a simple gift from the heart to restore hope in women in Erie, your support will help empower mothers to rebuild their lives and create a brighter future for themselves and their families.

We invite you to help Moms in Erie by giving a gift in honor or in memory of a special woman or mom in your life. We will recognize those women on this page, as well as send them a Mother’s Day e-card, when applicable.

Be sure to include the name and email of the mom you want to honor, and indicate if it is "in memory" or "in honor" in the memo line of the donation form when applicable.

Meals4 Mom

Your best gift of $16, will provide a woman with one meal a day, for one week.

Your best gift of $32, will provide a mother and her child one meal a day, for one week.

Your best gift of $65, will provide a mother and her children two meals a day, for one week.

Your best gift of any amount will help fill stomachs and restore hope to the women and children in our city.

Blooms4 Mom

For $20, sponsor a bloom in the Grace House garden.

For $55*, sponsor a woman at the Grace House for one day.

For $385*, sponsor a woman at the Grace House for one week.

For $1,650*, sponsor a woman at the Grace House for one month.

For any amount, your donation to Grace House will support our mission of empowering mothers and families affected by addiction.

*Includes food, housing, counseling, and drug and alcohol programming.

In celebration of Mother's Day, we want to acknowledge the incredible strength and resilience of mothers everywhere! A contribution supporting homelessness and recovering women in our community was made in honor and memory of the following women:

In Honor Of

Marty Lindquist
Brenda Layden
Sally Rosenthal
Sharon Shesman

In Memory Of

Marie Figurski
Mary Lindquist
Nikki Strong